This year's show was all about sustainability and creating the awareness that fashion doesn't always have to be brand new. BFW teamed up with the World Fair Trade organisation and Fashion Forum and had over one tonne of clothing donated by Cancer Research UK to by used and upcycled by the designers.
My BFW journey began after being selected by Novel Beings to be part of this years makeup team. This was after a some what nerve wracking trial in a few weeks before. Well they do say you should do things that scare you and I seem to be doing a lot of that at the moment, but that's another blog post!
Anyway, there I was setting up my makeup station backstage with some stunning organic, cruelty free green products from this years makeup sponsors Arbonne and Green People cosmetics.
So picture the scene. A huge room at the back of the stunning All Saints Church, Hove, filled with rails upon rails of incredible creative garments, models being fitted, two banks of hairdressers and makeup artists, me being one, runners, designers, photographers, camera crews all bustling in preparation for the first show of two. Organised chaos would be a good way of putting it I think.
Photography Evelyn Frederick & Fiona Essex
Sustain Catwalk Show
The Sustain Catwalk demonstrated that fashion is sustainable and sustainability is the new fashion, challenging all claims that sustainable fashion has to be mundane and boring. The makeup was minimal, high fashion, fresh, flawless dewy skin with touches of soft grey eyeliner and smudged brown lip crayon.
Designers included Gwen&syd, Claire Poggio, Haley Trezise, Kelly Dawn Riot, Kitty Ferreria, Tiffany Pattinson, Milkweed and Rhiannon Tsui.
Zeitgeist Catwalk Show
Zeitgeist designers were required to incorporate at least one of the four pledges in their collection.
1. Designing to reduce waste.
2. Increasing longevity with their pieces.
3. Up-cycling
4. Designing garments with a lower carbon and water footprint.
Designers included Fanny Holst, Gabriella Sardena, Isaac Ava, Tracey Dockrel, Isaac Raymond, Leif Erikkson, Luqman, L.O.M, Carlota Oms and Rozanna Walecki.
Photography Malcolm Tam, Tanay Sharma & Sarah Olivier
Showreel Catwalk Show
"Showreel was a chance for designers to put their artistic influence into their designs demonstrating how fashion and art collide. It was an amazing way to promote the importance of environmental awareness whilst also showcasing the creative, inventive and art inspired individuals."
I was delighted to be able to work with artist Elpida Hadzi-Vasileva, a site-specific installation artist who works across various medias of sculpture. Elpida was showcasing her incredible piece made entirely from chicken skin (dried and treated of course!) I had the pleaseure of working with her and her model for the catwalk show.

Elpida Hadzi-Vasileva Photography by Malcolm Tam 2015

Freya von Bulow Photography by Malcolm Tam 2015

Genieve Couture Photography by Malcolm Tam 2015

Juilette Simon Photography by Malcolm Tam 2015

Kumiko Tani Photography by Malcolm Tam 2015

Afton Ayache Photography by Malcolm Tam 2015

Anne-Sophie Photography by Malcolm Tam 2015
Altogether a really awesome experience, the way the whole show comes together and for me such a privilege to be part of. If you've never been to a fashion show I can highly recommend that you do!